This document is not a standard or regulation, and it creates no new legal obligations. Department of LaborĢOccupational Safety and Health Administration Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationU.S. Foulke, Jr.Assistant Secretary of Labor forOccupational Safety and Health This information is available to sensory impairedindividuals upon request. This publication is in the public domain and maybe reproduced, fully or partially, without permission.Source credit is requested, but not required.
OSHAsrole is to assure the safety and health of Americasworking men and women by setting and enforcingstandards providing training, outreach, and educa-tion establishing partnerships and encouragingcontinual process improvement in workplace safetyand health. Healthcare Workers and Healthcare EmployersĮmployers are responsible for providing a safe andhealthful workplace for their employees.
Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Guidance for